International Conference and Intensive Seminar on 'Strategic Transformations: Museums in 21st Century'

15 February,2014


Museums are ideal places for safeguarding tangible and intangible heritage through reanimating or bringing to life their historical collections by making connections and facilitating experiential learning. In the educational programming such contextual valorisations of collections create a space for meaningful intergenerational dialogue and transmission. The direct participation makes the learning more engaging for young audiences and visiting public.

Museums all over the world are witnessing a sea change in recent times, in concept approach, presentation, management and communication. Attractive architecture, inviting displays, visitor’ friendly communication tools and visitor centric planning are replacing traditional approach. Museums are no more places of visit but places of experience. Use of modern technology, engaging activities, special design of spaces to provide learning experiences, effective interpretation etc. are transforming museums. Need for transformation is also posing challenges to museums both in terms of technology & resources. Many museums have been successfully transformed into dynamic and educational places. However, lot needs to be done in museums in India.


In view of the rapid transformation in museums across the world and the challenges faced by museums, a conference to share best approaches and practices to help in developing strategies and framework for transformation of museums of all kinds. It specially helps Indian Museum professionals to get new perspectives from all over the world in order to strategize their future course.


1. ‘Museums and Transformations'

2. ‘Museums and Digital Domain’

3. ‘Museums and Human Resource Development’

4. ‘Museums and Relevance'

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Delhi Sessions:

Day-I (10th February 2014)

Venue: National Science Centre, Delhi


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Session on ‘Museums and Transformations'

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Day-II (11th February 2014)

Venue: National Museum, Delhi

Session on ‘Museums and Digital Domain’

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Kolkata Sessions:

Day-III (13th February 2014)

Venue: Science City, Kolkata

Session on ‘Museums and Human Resource Development’ & ‘Museums and Relevance'

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Day-IV (14th February 2014)

Venue: Indian Museum, Kolkata

Session on ‘Museums and Relevance'

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Presentations by the delegates of the Conference:

To view presentation click on the theme given below:

1. ‘Museums and Transformations'

2. ‘Museums and Digital Domain’

3. ‘Museums and Human Resource Development’

4. ‘Museums and Relevance'

National Science and Technology Digital Archive