5th National Science Film Festival and Competition 2015

9 September,2014

Vigyan Prasar jointly with National Council of Science Museums, take pride to announce National Science Film Festival and Competition 2015 to be organised at Regional Science City, Lucknow. It aims to stimulate popularization of science using visual medium. Entries are invited from producers, individuals as well as production agencies. Media centres, television channels, media institutes, school children are also encouraged to participate.


For AwardsFocus of the filmDurationTarget audience
APopular science film to communicate and develop scientific temperNot more than 60 minutesGeneral Public
BPopular science film for communicating and developing scientific temperNot more than 60 minutesChildren of age 6-12 years
CFilm on Science, Technology and InnovationNot more than 60 minutesGeneral Public
DFilm on science: Films made by students beyond class 12thNot more than 30 minutesGeneral Public
EHow do I see science: Films made by students of class 6th to12thNot more than 30 minutesStudent community
Additional Category Films only for screening, not entitled for any award


 i.For Categories A, B, C.
 Awards with trophy & certificatePrize amount (Rs.)
Golden Beaver1,00,000
Silver Beaver50,000
Bronze Beaver30,000
 ii.For Categories D and E.
 Awards with trophy & certificatePrize amount (Rs.)
Golden Beaver50,000
Silver Beaver30,000
Bronze Beaver20,000
 iii.Special Award for Technical Excellence with trophy & certificatePrize amount (Rs.)  
Graphics / Animation / Special Effects20,000
Sound recording and Design20,000
 iv.Special Jury Award with trophy and certificate40,000 

Booklet & Entry Form

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Online Registration:

Guidelines for Online Registration:

1) Please fill all the entries properly.

2) After Clicking Submit Button filled application form will appear which contains all the entries filled by the participants along with a Unique Reference Number.

3) Please Note the Reference Number for future reference and take printout of the Application Form by Clicking Print Button.

4) Please mention the Date, Signature, Name & Designation with Official Stamp on the Application form.

5) Send the Application Form along with the Enclosures (checklist given below) to the address mention in the Booklet.


1) Correctly and completely filled Entry Form along with signature and stamp of the applicant.

2) Two copies of the film in DVD or CD using PAL 625/50 standard.

3) Printed copy of the synopsis of the film in English or Hindi, in the given format along with signature and stamp of the applicant.

4) Certificate from the Principal / Director of the institution for category D and E. (Click here to download Certificate format)

5) A separate CD containing:-

i) Synopsis of the film (Click here to Download Synopsis format)

ii) Script of the film

iii) Five stills of the film

iv) One still of the director

Click here for Online Registration

Last Date for submission of entries is December 15, 2014

For further details and information, Please visit Vigyan Prasar

National Science and Technology Digital Archive