Pension Adalat for the Pensioners and Family Pensioners of NCSM

29 August,2018


In pursuance of the communication received from Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, all the Pensioners and Family Pensioners of NCSM are hereby informed that Pension Adalats will be held on 18.09.2018 at the respective national level museums/centres as follows:-

Sl. No.Name of the Museum/CentreZone
1Birla Industrial & Technological Museum,

19A Gurusaday Road, Kolkata – 700019
2Nehru Science Centre,

Dr. E. Moses Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400018
3National Science Centre,

Pragati Maidan, Near Gate No. 1, Bhairon Road,

New Delhi – 110 001
4Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological Museum,

Kasturba Road, Bangalore - 560001

Any Pensioner/Family Pensioner having any grievance related to Pension/Family Pension, may please submit a written application in the matter. The application should contain inter-alia

(1) Name of the Pensioner/Family Pensioner, (2) PPO No, (3) Date of Retirement/Death of Employee, (4) Unit from where retired, (5) Nature of grievance, (6) Remedy sought, (7) Present address, (8) Phone/Mobile no.

Copies of documents in support of the claim are to be enclosed and the envelope containing the application must be superscribed ‘For Pension Adalat’ and addressed to Dy. Controller of Finance & Accounts/Finance & Accounts Officer of the concerned museum/centre so as to reach latest by 12.09.2018.

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