Recruitment for the post of Secretary and Curator 'B'

17 July, 2020

Secretary & Curator Hindi

NCSM, an autonomous scientific organization under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, invites applications for the following posts in administrative and scientific categories:-


Sl no Name of the post Scale of pay & pay matrix level No. of post and Category
01 Secretary 13A Rs. 131100 - Rs. 216600)

(Total emolument of

Rs. 1,93,275.00 Approx.)

02 Curator ‘B’ [Mechanical Engineering/Electronics/ Physics/Computer Science]

10 (Rs. 56100 – 177500)


(Total emoluments at start shall be Rs. 87,525.00 approx.)

[OBC-01; ST-01 & UR-03]


For details, please log on to Completed applications in the prescribed format should reach the Secretary, National Council of Science Museums latest by 31st August, 2020.

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