Engagement as Trainee (Electrician) at RSC, Guwahati.

29 May, 2016

Regional Science Centre

(National Council of Science Museums)

Jawahar Nagar, Khanapara

Guwahati- 781 022 

Phone No.: (0361) 2361 699 / 236 3218
FAX: (0361) 2361 699
E-mail: rscghy@sancharnet.in

Advertisement No.02/2016   

Applications are invited from fresh eligible candidates who have passed Madhyamik or SSLC and ITI in Electrical for engagement as Trainee (Electrician) at Regional Science Centre, Guwahati,purely on temporary basis for a period of 1 year, which may be extended for a further period of one year, subject to satisfactory performance, with a monthly consolidated stipend of Rs.8,000/- (Rupees Eight thousand) only. Candidates possessing Diploma or higher qualifications need not apply. There is absolutely no job guarantee after the traineeship is over. 

Interested candidates may send their applications in the prescribed format (available in the website www.rscguwahati.gov.in or www.ncsm.gov.in) with photocopies of all supporting documents like educational and technical qualification, age proof, caste certificates, if any, etc. to the above address, so as to reach on or before 17.06.2016.

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