Panel Discussion on ‘Novel Coronavirus’ organized at North Bengal Science Centre, Siliguri

12 February,2020

A Panel Discussion on ‘Novel Coronavirus’ was organized at North Bengal Science Centre (NBSC), Siliguri in association with North Bengal Medical College & Hospital (NBMC&H) on Feb. 12, 2020. Some of the renowned doctors of NBMC&H made people aware about the details of this disease to combat this health emergency. The recent outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China has now turned into a global emergency health issue. As
there are more myths & rumors among the masses than real information regarding this new disease, it was evident to organize such a program for raising awareness of the masses.

The program began with the Welcome Address delivered by Shri Ritabrata Biswas, Project Coordinator, NBSC, Siliguri followed by Keynote Address of Prof. (Dr) Prabir Kumar Deb, Principal, NBMC&H. The distinguished panel of specialist doctors comprising of Prof. (Dr) Dipanjan Bandyopadhyay, Head, Dept. of General Medicine, NBMC&H, Dr. Sandip Kumar Sengupta, Asstt. Prof., Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology & Dean of Students’ Affairs, NBMC&H and Dr. Nilanjana Ghosh, Asstt. Prof, Dept. of Community Medicine, NBMC&H addressed the august gathering regarding the different aspects of the disease & its preventive measures. The specialist doctors assured the audience that as of now we need to be aware of this outbreak but there is no reason whatsoever to be in any kind of panic or to create mass hysteria. The program ended with Q&A Session wherein the audience also asked their questions to the distinguished panel & got their doubts cleared.

The event was attended by a large no. of participants comprising of School & College Students, Teachers, Parents, NSS Volunteers, ASHA Health Workers among others.

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