Registration Wing
No Image 22 Apr, 2016
Vacuum Tube

Operation of the tube depends on an electrical arc discharge between electrodes in a sealed envelope containing vacuum at very low pressure. The main component of the valve is anod...

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No Image 12 Apr, 2016
Air Pollution Monitor

Date of Manufacturing: 1985s (approx) Description: To measure the quality of all the air in a particular place. Almost all the health effects (respiratory illness, mortality) is b...

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No Image 5 Apr, 2016
Morse Key

To transmit messages across telegraph wires, in the 1830s Morse and Vail created what came to be known as Morse code. Telegraph messages were sent by tapping out a special code for...

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No Image 22 Mar, 2016
Triode valve

Date of Manufacturing : 1925 Description: Triode consists of a vacuum tube with three electrodes which are Cathode, Anode and a Control grid. It consists of cylindrical glass bulb...

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19 Oct, 2015
B.B.C Microphone Equalizer Unit

Name of the Artifact: B.B.C Microphone equalizer unit. Serial No: 317 Artifact Title: Lip microphone or commentator’s lip microphone. Model No: Type L1. Country of origin: United...

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National Science and Technology Digital Archive