On-line Digitally signed e-tenders are invited of Installation and Commissioning of Digital Planetarium System at site (Nagaland Science Centre, Dimapur, Nagaland, INDIA)

21 June,2016



KOLKATA : 700 091.


TENDER NO. I-18012/7/16(75)



On-line Digitally signed e-tenders are invited in two Bids System from the manufacturers or their authorized registered Indian agents for Supply,  Installation and Commissioning of Digital Planetarium System at site (Nagaland Science Centre, Dimapur, Nagaland, INDIA) and various other upcoming Centers in India for   projection on 8 meter vertical (not tilted) dome. The integrated planetarium system includes full dome projection system, show control server computer, computer for operator’s interface, planetarium software with at least eight full dome shows, cove light and cove light control mechanism, 5.1 Dolby digital surround system etc. complete in all respects as per Council’s specification.  The equipment supply shall also include training of personnel in operation and routine/preventive maintenance, Service Manual, full documentation etc.Only reputed manufacturers or their authorized registered Indian agents having proven experience and capability to render after Sales Service in India at site smoothly may download the tender documents from the Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP): http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app or from the Council’s websitewww.ncsm.gov.in as per the following schedule :-

Bid Document Published Date June 22, 2016 (As per portal time)
Bid Document Download  Start Date June 22, 2016 (As per portal time)
Bid Document Download  End Date July 22, 2016 (As per portal time)
Bid Submission Start Date June 23, 2016 (As per portal time.)
Bid Submission End Date July  22, 2016 (As per portal time)
Technical (Techno-Commercial) Bid Opening Date July 23, 2016 (at 11 a.m.)
Financial Bid opening date July 29, 2016 (at 1 p.m.)



The online bid both Technical (Techno-Commercial) Bid and Financial bid duly furnished in Cover –I and Cover-II respectively should be uploaded by the due date and time as per the above schedule. The responsibility to ensure the same lies with the Bidder. Off-line tenders shall not be accepted and no request in this regard will be entertained whatsoever.Online Technical (Techno-Commercial) Bid will be opened at the first instance in this office at 11 a.m. on July23, 2016 for technical evaluation as well as selection of techno-commercially acceptable offers and at the second stage, the Financial Bids of only the selected and techno-commercially acceptable equipment/offers will be opened at 1 pm on July 29, 2016. Decision of the Council regarding selection of eligible and qualified vendors/firms and or equipment in particular for opening the Financial Bid shall be final and binding on the bidders. Bidders may be present during opening of tenders.

It is intended to purchase the above equipment directly from the manufacturer without involving any agent or payment of any agency commission. Authorized Registered Indian Agents of foreign manufacturers who are capable to render after Sales Service (in case foreign manufacturers do not quote any rate to the actual users), shall submit copy of Agency Agreement with foreign manufacturer along with the tender and in such case no agency commission shall be paid by the Council in foreign currency.

NCSM reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders in full or part without assigning any reason  whatsoever. NCSM shall also not be bound to accept merely the lowest tender but the technical suitability, capability and superiority of the equipment/system as well as after sales service including infrastructure to render such service etc. shall be of prime consideration for selection of the equipment/system.

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National Science and Technology Digital Archive