Recruitment of Assistant Executive Engineer and Section Officer (Adv. No. 10/2018)

30 November, 2018

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NCSM, an autonomous scientific organization under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, invites applications for the following Technical & Administrative posts:

Sl. No. Name of the posts No. of posts Scale of pay
1 Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) 01-(UR) Pay Matrix Level 10 of 7th CPC (Rs. 56100 – 177500) & other allowances as admissible under Central Govt. Rules.
2 Section Officer (SO) 03-(UR) &


Pay Matrix Level 7 of 7th CPC (Rs. 44900 – 142400) & other allowances as admissible under Central Govt. Rules.

Applications along with attested copies of all certificates, testimonials and demand draft for `. 200/- must reach at any zonal offices under NCSM latest by 31.12.2018.

For details and application format, please visit our website:


View Details and Download Application Form

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