विश्व बौद्धिक संपदा संगठन, डब्ल्यूआईपीओ (एक संयुक्त राष्ट्र निकाय) रेपोस एनर्जी द्वारा दायर एक पेटेंट को मान्यता देता है और प्रकाशित करता है

1 January,1970

India, December 22nd 2022: Backed by industry titan Ratan Tata, Repos Energy is on a mission to transform the energy distribution across the world and help the world transition to a carbon-neutral future. Today consumers can order food, clothes and basics from the convenience of their phones, so why not fuel? Be it diesel, electric, gas or other upcoming clean fuels?

Repos energy is leading the digitization and transformation of the entire Indian Fuel Retail Supply Chain through its innovative tools – transforming a brick-and-mortar business through a Phy-gital (physical + digital) mechanism. How? Through their e-commerce platform that makes current fuels available to the last mile with just a click, using technologies like IoT/AI/ML/Blockchain, and thus creating a distribution network for the future clean fuels.

To support this mission, The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a United Nations body, has recognised and published a patent filed by Repos Energy. This is a system patent for its inanition of tools and technologies in energy distribution. Repos Energy has also bagged 3 patents in the energy distribution sector in India for its inventions. One of them, the DATUM (Data Automated Teller Ultimate Machine ), is a patented technological invention for PREVENTING THEFT OF FUEL (during transportation and doorstep diesel delivery). It has been certified as a revolutionary invention by IIT Delhi and has also won a National Start-up Award. Repos Energy is planning to launch DATUM for other fuels as well as EVs. Repos Energy has also bagged 4 patents in the energy distribution sector in India for its inventions- earlier this week, The Patent Office of the Government of India recognised and published a new patent for the design of a Mobile Petrol Pump by Repos Energy.

The DATUM is an intelligent Diesel storage and management machine that acts as a Diesel – ATM for Bulk Consumers of Fuel (a sector worth $49 Billion, annually), offering Fuel Level Tracking, Dispensing Approval Controls, Digital Dashboards, and Safe Fuel Storage at their site. It is the perfect solution for businesses that need to purchase and store diesel for their commercial equipment, machinery, and transportation fleets. 300+ Datums have already been installed at various locations In India and some of the marquee customers of diesel are L&T, VRL logistics, Adani Port, Adar Poonawalla Clean City, major Mining Belts of India etc.

With the diesel savings that DATUM enables, Repos Energy will be responsible for preventing carbon emissions of over 6.7 Million Metric Tonnes!

With a strong presence across 280+ cities in India, 1500+ Mobile Petrol Pumps, fuel sales of 10 crore Litres (100 Million Litres) to the B2B industry (85% of the diesel market), and carbon emissions savings equivalent to planting 99 lakh trees (through dead mileage), Repos has taken excellent strides towards its goal already. The B2B diesel market in India has not seen any technology-led innovation since times immemorial and the way the industry currently procures fuel causes significant damage to the economy and the environment.

National Science and Technology Digital Archive