Regional science centre to be set up in Mysore

15 September,2014

S.R. Patil, Minister for Planning and Statistics, IT and BT, Science and Technology, said a regional science centre will soon be set up in Mysore at a cost of Rs. 14 crore. Apart from this, the government has decided to set up sub-centres of regional science in 13 districts, including Bellary and Raichur.

Inaugurating the 10th Kannada Vignana Sammelan here on Monday, Mr. Patil said the centre will come up in a seven-acre area. He said while about six acres of land will be developed to exhibit models outdoors — based on ‘Hands on, Minds on’ concept — a building will come up on one acre of land. Mr. Patil said the centre is being established jointly by the National Council of Science Museums, Ministry of Culture, and Department of Science and Technology. The centre will house museums, a science park and exhibition galleries, which would display modern advancements in astronomy, biology and other scientific disciplines. Besides this, demonstrations on various scientific phenomena will be conducted at the centre, he said.

While the Regional Science Centre at Dharwad in Karnatak University is now functioning, another at Pilikula in Dakshina Kannada district will be inaugurated soon. He said these centres have been set up to disseminate information on science, new inventions and various other aspects for the public, particularly students, and also to organise any event that deals with science and technology.

Mr. Patil said it is unfortunate that many people are continuing to have faith in blind beliefs and witchcraft even in the 21st century, while others worship Chandra (moon). Some people continue to believe what astrologrs say, he said. People should think rationally, he said.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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