क्षेत्रीय विज्ञान केंद्र, गुवाहाटी में नवप्रवर्तन केंद्र

4 September,2019

Facilities at the "Innovation Hub"

"Innovation Hub" shall provide a platform for the young students to engage in innovative and creative activities. The main idea is to promote creative thinking and problem solving ability through hands on activities and experiments. As and when required, external experts in different fields will be engaged for helping the students. The "Innovation Hub" comes with three different sections-

1. Innovation Resource Centre2. Idea Laboratory3. Innovation KiosksInnovation Resource Centre shall include a library for referencing text books related to different topics in science and technology. Computers and internet facilities shall be provided for sourcing and sharing information related to Science & Technology innovation.Idea Laboratory shall provide basic facilities to pursue creative and innovative activities that involve designing & prototyping of appropriate technology. A typical workshop fitted with all the tools required to make prototypes.Innovation Kiosk shall showcase innovative ideas, products that transformed the world or made significant impact on the way we conduct our lives. Besides showcasing the collections of innovative products; implements, samples of appropriate technology and traditional knowledge systems of respective regions shall also be exhibited.

Activities at the Innovation Hub

ø Thod phod Jod (Break & Remake)Students learn by breaking and remaking things with their own hands.
ø Kabad Se Jugad (Build from Scraps)Students make thing from scraps materials.
ø Make your own science kits Students can make working model or kit by using their innovative idea.
ø Real Life Problem Identification and Experiments Students identify a real life problem and then solving it in a form of a product.
ø Mini Research Projects (Investigative type) Students generate mini research projects and work under the experts.

Timing: All weekends from 10am to 5-00pm.

Introductory offer to students of all Member Schools
Free entry for member schools limited to maximum 10 students from each school.

N.B.: Entry restricted and first cum first serve basis.

Inauguration of the Innovation Hub

Regional Science Centre, Guwahati is the fourth Unit in the country under the National Council of Science Museums, to launch an Innovation Hub at the Centre's premises. This new facility was inaugurated by Ms Sindhushree Khullar, Secretary, Planning Commission, Govt. of India in the presence of Dr. Mridul Hazarika, Vice Chancellor, Gauhati University, Dr. Anil Kr. Goswami, Former Principal Cotton College and Prof. Uddhab Kr. Bharali, Eminent Scientist on 4th February, 2014 at 3:00 pm. Shri S Chaudhuri, Director, Central Research & Training Laboratory (National Council of Science Museums) welcomed the dignitaries and briefed about the project and how the NCSM has taken-up the task of setting up of the Innovation Spaces under different units under NCSM.

This facility provides a unique opportunity for children of various age groups to work at the Centre during the week-ends to develop their ideas on various aspects of Science & Technology. Membership is available for interested students for long-term hands-on and minds-on engagement in creative activities in science & technology.

The intention is to provide an open platform to the young people to engage in innovative and creative activities. Here they can experiment and pursue with their innovative ideas to nurture their innovative potential and develop innovation centric mindset. The innovation Hub of RSC, Guwahati will engage the youth in creative hobbies and activities in science and technology in spare time to promote their critical thinking and practical problem solving skills. An Idea Box for children to propose ideas and create an idea bank. The best ideas are chosen for experimentation, model making and project work.

National Science and Technology Digital Archive