World Environment Day Celebration at Regional Science City Lucknow

5 June,2014

Regional Science City, Lucknow in association with Directorate of Environment, UP organised poster making contests on the topics Small Islands & Climate Change and Island Tourism & Climate Change respectively. A slogan writing contest on Raise your Voice; not the Sea Level was also organised. About 150 students took part. A lecture on the topic ‘Are you ready for Climate Change?’ was delivered by Shri Umesh Kumar, Project Coordinator, Regional Science City, Lucknow in which he told that one of the main reason of climate change is global warming which in turn is raising sea level due to Ice melting in polar regions.  Students and visitors were told that these are several small steps which can help us fighting climate change.  These need to be done on individual level and can make big differences.  Just by saving water, electricity, fuel consumptions on day to day basis a lot can be saved and carbon foot print can be reduced. If each one in India attempt to reduce 1 kg carbon dioxide, we can reduce it by 1.25 billion kg taking clue from speech of Indian PM. At the end of the day a quiz contest was held on the topic Challenges of Climate Change in which about 75 students participated.

The celebration of World Environment Day was concluded on 5th June at RSCL.  This was organized in association with Centre for Environment Education, Lucknow. A film based science quiz contest was organized in which about 150 students participated. An extempore elocution contest & activities for general visitors were also conducted. In addition to these Zoology department, Lucknow University and Biodiversity Board of UP in collaboration with RSC Lucknow organized activities like making paper bags, signature campaign on this year’s theme Raise Your voice not the Sea level and distributing plants.

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