‘Raman Festival of Innovations’ inaugurated at RSC, Nagpur

16 February,2018

First ‘Raman Festival of Innovation’ was inaugurated by Dr. Satish R. Wate, Chairman, Scientist Recruitment Board, CSIR at Raman Science Centre and Planetarium, Nagpur on February 15, 2018.


200 innovators from schools and Science & Engineering colleges are participating with their 100 innovative projects in this ‘Innovative Project Competition cum exhibition’. Specially designed Fire Safety & Rescue Vehicles viz ‘Water mist motor bike’ and ‘Rig JEEP’ from Nagpur Municipal Corporation and live demonstrations by ‘Artisans’ are also the added attraction to the festival. A workshop on ‘Innovative methods of teaching Physics’ was also organised for teachers in which 75 teachers from various schools participated.





Dr. Amit Majumadar, Former Regional Director, Atomic Mineral Directorate for Exploration & Research was Guest of Honour. Other persons who were present on the occasion are Shri Vilas Cahudhari, Shri Abhimanyu Bhelave, Education Officer, Shri M. K. Panda, Curator RSC, Nagpur and a large number of school/college students and teachers from different schools and colleges of Nagpur.


The ‘Raman Festival of Innovations’ will remain open for public from 11.00 AM to 5.00 PM from 15 to 17 February 2018.

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