Lecture on “How new genes are born” by Dr. Eve Syrkin Wurtele at KPSC, Kurushetra

21 January,2015

Kurukshetra Panorama & Science Centre organised a Popular Science Lecture on 21st January, 2015. Dr. Eve Syrkin Wurtele, Professor, Iowa State University, USAdelivered the lecture on the topic “How new genes are born”. She emphasized on learning science through computer games. She is the principle investigator of the computer game called ‘Meta! Blast’ which has been designed to address the challenges students often encounter in understanding cell and metabolic biology. She said ‘youths of today are involved in playing computer games, hence it was necessary to develop a teaching method through a 3-D game.

Dr. Raj Mehrotra, PC, Kurukshetra Panorama and Science Centre said, ‘teaching of science is very easy through the game and also very effective.

The programme received huge response from school students, teachers. More than 300 students from Guru Nanak Senior Secondary School, Gurukul Kurukshetra, Agrasen Public School, Sahara comprehensive School and Teri Public School participated in this program.


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