Innovation Hub at the Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai

3 September,2019

Facilities at the Innovation Hub

The Innovation Hub at the Nehru Science Centre includes : Hall of Fame: Inventions and Inventors, in which several multimedia kiosks bring the stories of major inventors and their inventions in various fields, the Innovation Resource Centre, with a broadband Internet connection that provides online access to innovation-centric resources, e-journals, books and grass-root innovation portals, Innovative Laboratory with facility for carrying out innovative activities, experiments and projects in a multi-disciplinary set up, Tech Lab: Robotics & Microprocessor Programming, Electronics with a facility for creative and innovative projects in robotics, electronics and microprocessor programming, Apps development for mobiles etc for practical applications. The other facilities include a section on Tod Fod Jod (TFJ) in which students can creatively engage in learning to open gadgets and reassemble them on their own, Kabad Se Jugad (Build from Scraps) where students can use low-cost materials to develop interesting models or science toys and perform investigative experiments and an Idea Box in which students are encouraged to write down innovative ideas and submit them to idea bank. The best ideas are chosen for further development as project work. The Lab with facility for experimentation in Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Biology, Robotics, etc also provides opportunity for students to work on innovative ideas and make a working model or kit on it and perform several investigative experiments.

It is the first of its kind in the western part of India, aimed at supplementing formal school education for seeking new ways to bring innovative science teaching and experiences to students. The Innovation Hub offers children an inquiry based science learning approach that is student constructed as opposed to teacher-transmitted, hands-on as opposed to lecture-based. It also provides an opportunity for real life problem identification & solution finding, carrying out investigative types of projects under the guidance of experts and mentors.

NSC, Mumbai is now opening this facility to the students for the first time. The first batch is scheduled to start on 2nd August 2014 and will continue for three months. The students can utilize the lab on every weekend i.e. on Saturdays and Sundays for two hours daily during these three months. The facility is open for our student members only. In case they are not NSC members they need to obtain the student membership before registration for Innovation Hub. The membership form is also enclosed herewith. Both registrations can be done on same day as well.

Enrollment will be done during 14th July to 19th July 2014 and is on first come first served basis.Interested students may contact us on 2493 2667 ext. 575, 312, 564 orwrite to us on


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