Innovation Hub at National Science Centre, Delhi

4 September,2019

Inauguration of the Innovation Hub:

The Innovation hub was inaugurated by Shri Sam Pitroda, Chairman, National Innovation Council in the presence of Shri K K Mittal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India along with distinguished members of the National Innovation Council on Thursday, the 23rd January, 2014. While delivering the keynote address, Shri Sam Pitroda announced that the National Innovation Council along with the Ministry of Culture and the Planning Commission is working on a scheme to launch 100 such innovation hubs across the country. He suggested that all Science Centres must engage with the local community and must create local ecosystems to own, support and nurture these innovation hubs. Shri Sam Pitroda interacted with students/teachers in the auditorium of the Centre. This facility will provide a unique opportunity for children of various age groups to work at the Centre during the week-ends to develop their ideas on various aspects of Science & Technology. About 320 students/teachers from various schools participated in the programme.

Photos of Inauguration Program:


National Science and Technology Digital Archive