Innovation Hub at Birla Industrial & Technological Museum (BITM), Kolkata

7 September,2019

The 'Innovation Hub' at Birla Industrial & Technological Museum is a 2000 sq. ft. Science laboratory for high school (classes VI to XII) and College students where they are engaged in creative and innovative activities. The underlying ides is to promote critical thinking and problem solving ability through hands on activity. The broad sections of Innovation Hub are 'Hall of Fame: Innovators and Inventors', 'Innovative Resource Centre', 'Innovation Laboratory' and 'Tech Lab: Robotics and Microprocessor Programming Facility'.


The Hub was inaugurated by Mr. Sam Pitroda, Advisor to the Prime Minister of India on Public Information Infrastructure & Innovations and the Chairman of National Innovation Council on Friday, August 23, 2013. Dr. Siddhartha Roy, Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology was also present on the occasion among other dignitaries.


Facilities at the Innovation Hub:

  1. Hall of Fame: 6 interactive multimedia kiosk are designed to showcase

i) Transport system around the world
ii) Everyday innovation & invention
iii) Inventions that changed the world
iv) Energy powering civilization
v) Grassroot innovation
vi) Communication

  1. Innovation Resource Center: Broadband enabled PC to provide access to websites of

i) National Innovation Council,
ii) Nation Innovation Foundation
iii) India Innovation Portal
iv) Agastya Foundation among others
Also a huge collection of Books, Journals, CDs and Films on Science & Technology enriches the BITM library.

  1. Innovation Laboratory: Facilities for carrying out innovative activities, experiments in a multidisciplinary set up.
  1. Tod Fod Jod Center: Here the students can de-construct, re-construct or re-purpose everyday objects that they see or use.
  1. Kabad Se Jugad (Building from Scraps): Here students are inspired to make things from scrap & low cost materials.
  2. Tech Lab: Facility for carrying out innovative projects in Robotics & Microprocessor programming.


Recent Activities:

Contact Person:

For Registration
Mr. S. Saha
Curator, BITM
Ph: +91 33 22877241/2/3

National Science and Technology Digital Archive